Tracking Services
At Sandor we provide our clients with the most innovative and comprehensive monitoring processes using technology we have developed employing real time tracking of insureds who have sold Life Settlement policies.
Mortality Tracker – With our proprietary real-time database monitoring technology, clients can rely on us for in-depth and up-to-date mortality tracking services with accuracy rates of approximately 97% (2006 statistic based on 100 US lives).
Tracking Summary Report – Tracking reports are provided to clients with information surrounding the mortality status of policyholders using mortality tracking software and live status progress reports to maintain contact with policyholders or their designated contacts.
Insurance Claim - Following the passing of an insured, Sandor promptly files the necessary death claim documentation (including obtaining death certificate and notification to the applicable insurance carrier). The policy’s death benefit is the requested to be paid as provided for by Sandor's client.